
Basic Tables

Basic tables can be styled by adding the :class: table to rst table directives.

Frozen Delights!
Treat Quantity Description
Albatross 2.99 On a stick!
Crunchy Frog 1.49 If we took the bones out, it wouldn’t be crunchy, now would it?
Gannet Ripple 1.99 On a stick!

Striped Rows

Tables can have striped rows by adding the :class: table-striped to rst table directives.

Frozen Delights!
Treat Quantity Description
Albatross 2.99 On a stick!
Crunchy Frog 1.49 If we took the bones out, it wouldn’t be crunchy, now would it?
Gannet Ripple 1.99 On a stick!

Bordered Table

Tables can be styled to have borders on all sides of the table and cells by adding the :class: table-bordered to rst table directives.

Frozen Delights!
Treat Quantity Description
Albatross 2.99 On a stick!
Crunchy Frog 1.49 If we took the bones out, it wouldn’t be crunchy, now would it?
Gannet Ripple 1.99 On a stick!

Hover Rows

Tables can be styled to add a hover effect (grey background color) on table rows by adding the :class: table-hover to rst table directives.

Frozen Delights!
Treat Quantity Description
Albatross 2.99 On a stick!
Crunchy Frog 1.49 If we took the bones out, it wouldn’t be crunchy, now would it?
Gannet Ripple 1.99 On a stick!

Condensed Table

Tables can be made more compact by cutting cell padding in half by adding the :class: table-condensed to rst table directives.

Frozen Delights!
Treat Quantity Description
Albatross 2.99 On a stick!
Crunchy Frog 1.49 If we took the bones out, it wouldn’t be crunchy, now would it?
Gannet Ripple 1.99 On a stick!

Contextual Classes

Todo, find a way to support this.

Responsive Tables

Todo, find a way to support this.